Ecohydrological Interfaces
Intro -- Ecohydrological Interfaces -- Contents -- Preface -- List of Contributors -- Section 1 -- 1 Ecohydrological Interfaces as Hotspots of Ecosystem Processes -- 2 Biological Activity as a Trigger of Enhanced Ecohydrological Interface Activity -- Section 2 -- 3 The Four Interfaces' Components of Riparian Zones -- 4 Organizational Principles of Hyporheic Exchange Flow and Biogeochemical Cycling in River Networks across Scales -- 5 Groundwater-Lake Interfaces -- 6 Coastal-Groundwater Interfaces (Submarine Groundwater Discharge) -- Section 3 -- 7 Identifying and Quantifying Water Fluxes at Ecohydrological Interfaces -- 8 Heat as a Hydrological Tracer -- 9 Sampling at Groundwater-Surface Water Interfaces -- 10 Automated Sensing Methods for Dissolved Organic Matter and Inorganic Nutrient Monitoring in Freshwater Systems -- 11 Tracing Hydrological Connectivity with Aerial Diatoms -- 12 Measurement of Metabolic Rates at the Sediment-Water Interface Using Experimental Ecosystems -- 13 Using Diel Solute Signals to Assess Ecohydrological Processing in Lotic Systems -- 14 Evolving Molecular Methodologies for Monitoring Pathogenic Viruses in Ecohydrological Interfaces -- Section 4 -- 15 Global Environmental Pressures -- 16 Restoring the Liver of the River: Actionable Research Insights to Guide the Restoration of the Hyporheic Zone for the Improvement of Water Quality -- Index -- EULA.
Groundwater-Lake Interfaces
p. 103
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