D3.1 Report on stocktake of requirements and technical specifications for the LUM policy database

Within the framework of the LAMASUS project, Work Package 3 is dedicated to the creation of a comprehensive spatial agriculture and forest policy database. This endeavor serves the purpose of assessing policies by reviewing existing funding schemes and accommodating the modeling requirements of the project. A thorough understanding of data needs from consortium partners is needed to construct those databases. This understanding enables the assessment of LUM drivers and policies. Additionally, WP3 entails the preparation of requests for non-public databases and the development of a technical concept for data operation and harmonization. The overarching goal of this effort is to ensure the harmonization and mapping of regional and variable classifications across various data sources over time. This deliverable involves reviewing existing frameworks, identifying databases and policy measures, collecting data needs from partners, and developing the technical framework for data handling. This deliverable marks the beginning of our efforts to secure access to essential data, laying the foundation for the project's effective analysis of LUM drivers and policies.



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