Data set: blank values from heubach dustmeter-testing sugar beets

With the Heubach method free floating dust of treated seeds can be measured. The Heubach value is used as an indicator for seed quality. One way to make the heubach results more reliable can be the definition of LOD and LOQ. Blank measurements were conducted in several heubach labs for this data collection to allow a calculation of LOD (limit of detection) and LOQ (limit of quantification) for the Heubach method. Three Tests (Data_LOD_LOQ_ZR.xlsx) were performed following the EU-Code of Practise for the monitoring of floating dust of treated seeds (Version 05.1, published by the Seed Treatment Stewardship Steering Committee (STICCS Group) on 1st August 2021). The material and methods used are described in Material_and_Method.pdf and the procedure for estimation of LOD and LOQ for Heubach seed abrasion dust method is described in Procedure_for_the_estimation_of_LOD_and_LOQ_sugar_beets.pdf.



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