Pandora cacopsyllae Eilenberg, Keller & Humber (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), a new species infecting pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyri L. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
The new species Pandora cacopsyllae Eilenberg, Keller & Humber (Entomophthorales) is described. The fungus was found on infected pear psyllids Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in a pear orchard in Zealand, Denmark. Morphological structures (conidia, rhizoids, cystidia) were described on the designated type host C. pyri. In addition, conidia from an in vitro culture were described. Pandora cacopsyllae differs from other Pandora species by a) C. pyri is the natural host; b) conidia are different from other Pandora species infecting Psylloidea; c) ITS differs from other Pandora species infecting Hemiptera. The fungus has a high potential for future use in biological control of Cacopsylla pest species as well as other psyllids.