Detection of Serum Antibody Responses in Nipah Virus–Infected Pigs

Nipah virus (NiV) is an emerging, zoonotic paramyxovirus that is among the most pathogenic of viruses in humans. During the first reported outbreak of NiV in Malaysia and Singapore in the late 1990s, pigs served as an intermediate host, which enabled the transmission to humans. Although subsequent outbreaks in Asia only reported direct bat-to-human and human-to-human transmission, pigs are still considered a potential source for viral dissemination in the epidemiology of the disease. Thus, serological assays such as Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or virus neutralization test (VNT) represent powerful tools to characterize the serum antibody responses in NiV-infected pigs as well as to perform seroepidemiological surveillance studies on the potential circulation of NiV or NiV-related viruses among pig populations worldwide. This chapter describes both methods in detail. Furthermore, we discuss some of the major pitfalls and indicate how to avoid them.



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