Dataset: Identification and validation of QTL for WDV (Wheat dwarf virus) resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) Version 1
In this version one we added a description for chromosome numbers in the readme sheet of the xlsx-file. In addition, a correction of the the unit in the column ‘position’ of 3-Genotypic data was made. Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) causes high yield losses in wheat and other cereals. To date, there is little known about WDV resistant/tolerant varieties and no known information about genomic regions responsible for resistance is available. To identify the relevant genes, a panel of 500 wheat accessions (1-Plant material) was phenotyped after artificial inoculation in gauze houses for virus titer, infection rate, plant height, and yield parameters compared to healthy controls (2-Phenotypic data). In addition, 85 T. aestivum - Ae. tauschii introgression lines, containing different chromosome segments of Ae. tauschii, were tested via greenhouse inoculation tests. Accessions with low susceptibility to WDV were found in domesticated wheats and wild relatives. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of a subpanel comprising 250 hexaploid wheat cultivars genotyped with the 15k iSelect chip (3-Genotypic data) identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for partial resistance. To validate the QTL, biparental SSD (Single Seed Descent) and DH (Double-Haploid) populations were screened for WDV resistance and genotyped using the 25k iSelect SNP chip (5-Phenotypic and genotypic data of biparental populations).