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NIRS for vicine and convicine content of faba bean seed allowed GWAS to prepare for marker-assisted adjustment of seed quality of German winter faba beans

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Puspitasari, Winda;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Allemann, Björn;
University of Reading, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Reading, UK
Angra, Deepti;
Analytical Services, National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge, UK
Appleyard, Helen;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Ecke, Wolfgang;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Crop Plant Genetics, Germany
Möllers, Christian;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Göttingen, Germany
Nolte, Tanja;
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Plant Sciences, Saskatoon, Canada
Purves, Randy W.;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Renner, Carsten;
University of Reading, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Reading, UK
Robertson-Shersby-Harvie, Thomas;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Tacke; Rebecca;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Windhorst, Alex;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Yaman, Sonja;
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Breeding Methodology, Göttingen, Germany
Link, Wolfgang

GWAS was applied to the antinutritive compounds vicine and convicine (V, C) in winter faba bean. V, C and V + C data for 189 inbred lines (five environments) were predicted by NIRS. These lines do not carry the strong “vc-“ allele (locus VC1). Lab data for 646 samples enabled our NIRS calibration, which performed well for V and V + C yet poor for C. Heritability was high (0.911; 0.868) for V and V + C and lower for C (0.737). From the 2542 mapped SNPs, 47 were significantly associated with V and one with V + C. Four SNPs mapped near to the VC1 locus and were significant for V. Seemingly, non-“vc-“ alleles at that locus contributed to V variation. Marker-assisted breeding with this germplasm can reduce the V + C content to about 0.44%, compared to the current lowest line with 0.55%. Further research will show inasmuch this can serve agronomy and breeding.

Die antinutritiven Inhaltsstoffe Vicin und Convicin (V, C) in Samen von Winterackerbohnen wurden einer GWAS unterzogen. V-, C- und V + C-Werte von 189 Inzuchtlinien (fünf Umwelten) wurden mittels NIRS ermittelt. In diesen Linien kommt das starke „vc-“-Allel (VC1-Locus) nicht vor. Labor-Resultate von 646 Proben führten zu unserer NIRS-Kalibration, die gut für V und V + C tauglich war allerdings nicht tauglich für C. Die Erblichkeit war hoch für V und V + C (0,911; 0,868) und niedriger für C (0,737). Von den 2542 kartierten SNPs waren 47 signifikant mit V und einer mit V + C assoziiert. Vier SNPs, die nahe beim VC1-Lokus kartierten, waren für V signifikant. Anscheinend trugen nicht-„vc-“-Allele an diesem Locus zur V-Variation bei. Markergestützte Züchtung in diesem Genpool kann die V + C-Gehalt auf etwa 0,44 % reduzieren, im Vergleich zur aktuell niedrigsten Linie mit 0,55 %. Weitere Forschung wird zeigen, wie diese Ergebnisse der Agronomie und Züchtung dienlich sein werden.


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