Bacterial gastroenteritis caused by the putative zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter lanienae: First reported case in Germany

Foodborne campylobacteriosis is the most common cause of human bacterial enteritis in Germany. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the main causative agents for enteric disease, but a number of other species are involved, including rare ones. These rare Campylobacter spp. are emerging zoonotic pathogens in humans due to increasing international movement of supplies, livestock and people. Campylobacter lanienae was first isolated from healthy abattoir workers in Switzerland and at first its pathogenic potential for humans was considered to be low. Recently, the first case of Campylobacter lanienae -associated human enteritis was reported in Canada. Here, we describe a case of mild Campylobacter lanienae -associated enteritis with subsequent asymptomatic excretion in a butcher. The isolate is available at the TLV strain collection (no. TP00333/18). This first reported case of human Campylobacter lanienae campylobacteriosis in Germany demonstrates the agent’s likely zoonotic pathogenicity.



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